California Dental Insurance – Low Cost Insurance Plans
Low monthly California dental insurance plans.
Question: Why is it that on the low monthly insurance plans that I can afford does not let you go outside of their network of providers. The dental insurance plan that let you do that are so costly I can not afford them. I am upset about this because my dentist I have been going to has always helped me.
Reply: You are reviewing two different types of insurance plan options. frist one being and HMO with dental HMO (generally the lower cost insurane option) you do need to stay with in the plan network of providers. Cost for services are generally based on a fee schedule so you know what the cost for each dental service covered under the plan
The second plan type is the PPO. Typically PPO have plan provider network but allows you to go out side the network. Sometimes at a reduce coverage. These plan types are more costly, but give you the option of choosing your own dentist that is not a provider of an HMO insurance plan, and may be what you would have to buy if you are wanting to stay with your current dentist.